ActionDignity | Everyone is worthy of dignity & respect
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GrOW Platform Focus Group Discussion Registration is Open

Over the past five months, ActionDignity has spoken with many of our members about their needs for stronger organizational capacity to respond to and support their respective communities.

Moving forward, we’d like to invite our members to join a focus group discussion to inform us on how to better assist member organizations to build capacities.

What: Three focus groups with platform members
When: Tues, April 11 /18 / 25 from 5:00-8:00pm (light supper provided)
Where: ActionDignity office – 915 33 street NE

Please register your participation via the link.

Please visit Apply or Renew Membership – ActionDignity for more information about our membership.



It’s our choice what kind of future we build. Our actions define us.

Join us in taking action for dignity