ActionDignity | Everyone is worthy of dignity & respect
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ActionDignity Joined Calgary Alliance for the Common Good’s Discernment Assembly to Prioritize Community Advocacy Issues

This Monday, ActionDignity proudly participated in a discernment assembly organized by the Calgary Alliance for the Common Good, an event dedicated to identifying pressing issues within our communities. Over 50 of our members joined the gathering to ensure that the voices and concerns of the communities we serve were represented and heard.

During the assembly, participants had the opportunity to discuss and vote on key issues affecting community members. The selected priorities will now guide the direction of upcoming advocacy campaigns by the Research Action Team, focusing on driving positive change and addressing the urgent needs within our communities.

ActionDignity is committed to continuing our work alongside the Calgary Alliance and other partners to advocate for systemic change and advance social justice. In June and July, we conducted 20 policy dialogues, engaging over 160 community members to identify the pressing issues in our community. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who participated, and we look forward to taking the next steps in our shared mission to build more equitable and empowered communities.


It’s our choice what kind of future we build. Our actions define us.

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