ActionDignity | Everyone is worthy of dignity & respect

why become a member

Why become an ActionDignity member?

  • We are all stronger when we work together to share our resources, knowledge and abilities. The number of organizations represented heavily impacts the ability and credibility ActionDignity has as a powerful collective voice for Calgary’s ethno-cultural communities.
  • ActionDignity membership offers your community organization opportunities to engage in the broader systemic issues that affect your community, together with other communities that are similarly affected. The extent of your involvement is up to you: share your expertise; work on the issues that are important to your community; or just access the information and resources that ActionDignity has developed and use them in your own work.
  • By sharing our resources, knowledge and abilities, we can strengthen each other to work more effectively for our communities and our common interests.

Member Benefits

  • Collaborative Funded Projects: Members can participate in joint projects and initiatives to address common issues and find solutions.
  • Participation in Round Table Discussions and Networking: This service allows member organizations to engage with various stakeholders, including government officials, funders, and other community groups.
  • Meeting Space Usage: Member organizations can use meeting spaces at ActionDignity’s office, subject to availability, which can be valuable for group meetings and activities.
  • Conference Subsidies: Depending on fund availability, members receive financial support to attend conferences that benefit ethnocultural communities.
  • Invitations to Events: Members are invited to ActionDignity’s events, offering networking opportunities with other ethnocultural community organizations and colleagues in the non-profit sector.
  • Affiliate Membership: Organizations with an annual budget under $100,000 can become affiliate members of the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (CCVO) through ActionDignity.
  • Letters of Support: ActionDignity can provide letters of support for qualified organizations, which can be helpful in securing funding or partnerships.
  • Information Sharing: Members receive information about funding opportunities, meeting spaces, resources, and programs relevant to ethnocultural communities.
  • Community Conversation:  Members have a voice in ActionDignity’s Community Conversation, where common issues, opportunities, and concerns are discussed, and collective actions are planned.
  • Participation in Working Groups: Members can participate in working groups and issue-based committees to collaborate, research, discuss, and develop recommendations in areas of interest.
  • Access to Organization Development Tools, Research and Policy Papers: Member organizations have access to ActionDignity’s Organization development tools, research papers, position papers, and policy statements.
  • Policy Advocacy and Systems Change: Member organizations have access to actively engage in policy advocacy and work towards systems change to address racial inequities.
  • Email Alerts: Members receive email alerts about new social, legislative, and policy issues affecting visible minority communities.
  • Organization Promotion: Members can promote their organizations and activities through ActionDignity’s communications channels, including our quarterly newsletter, member organization event calendar on our website, and social media.

ActionDignity membership is open to all individuals and democratically constituted organizations who ascribe to the vision and objectives of ActionDignity.

Membership Type 

  • Organization ( $25/year membership fee includes $5 CCVO membership fee). 
  • Individual ($10/year membership fee)
  • Student ($5/year membership fee)

It’s our choice what kind of future we build. Our actions define us.

Join us in taking action for dignity